
Underground Technology Construction Products

The Underground Technology Team is MAPEI’s answer to the growing demand from the
construction market for a range of products dedicated to underground construction work.
Thanks to their capacity and investments in their R&D laboratories, and the technical know-
how developed in all countries, MAPEI created the dedicated product range “Underground
Technology Construction Products”.

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Alkali-free flash setting accelerators for shotcrete
Wide range of mortars for repairing concrete
Synthetic waterproofing membranes for tunnels and underground works
Super-plasticizer, hardening accelerating admixtures for precast concrete

Ongoing Projects

Breakthrough of the Santa Lucia Tunnel

With its 15.9 m of diameter, the TBM used for the "Santa Lucia" tunnel in Italy has been the largest one ever used in Europa. The company “Pavimental S.p.A.” has driven this machine to excavate the 7.5 km of tunnel along the highway A1, between Bologna and Florence. MAPEI UTT has successfully participated in the realization of this impressive tunnelling project, providing most of the chemical products used for the TBM excavation. For the soil conditioning, Polyfoamer ECO/100 has been chosen after a selection among 8 products, being the foaming agent with the best combination between high technical performances and low environmental impact. Thanks to its quick biodegradation and minimum eco-toxicity, its use has avoided the classification of the muck as a "waste" and has minimised the time necessary to temporary stock the muck in the job-site area before its final disposal: an average of 7 days with the Polyfoamer ECO/100 against 28 days necessary with the other foaming agents. Also, the Mapequick CBS System 1L (retarding agent with plasticising effect) and Mapequick CBS System 3 (accelerator) have been used for the injection of the two-component backfill grout behind the tunnel lining. Finally, the 32.000 segments, with a thickness of 60 cm, have been produced by the company "Maccaferri S.p.A." using our Dynamon NRG1015S, superplasticiser admixture specifically designed for the precast concrete industry.

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Mapei UTT will be present at the PERUMIN 35 Mining Convencion

September 20, 2022
The Mining Convention will take part from September 26th to September 30th 2022 at the Cerro Juli Convention Center, located in the city of Arequipa.

The host and organizer of PERUMIN 35 Mining Convention “Generating Prosperity for Peruvians” is the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), a private non-profit organization formed by professionals and technicians from the Peruvian mining sector.
The event is attended by national and foreign professionals involved in the mining industry, which gather to learn about the latest technologies in mining.

Our team of technicians and specialists will be present at the Mapei UTT booth. You can learn more about the Convention on the official website.